In light of his disappointing third-place finish in Wisconsin last night, Howard Dean has returned home to Vermont. At 1:00 this afternoon he is going to announce the suspension of his campaign but, fear not Deaniacs, he will remain on the ballot! Well duh. Even Carol Mosley Braun’s name has remained on the ballot. For all intensive purposes though, this is a drop-out. In the span of 30 days, he fell from front-runner to also-ran who couldn't win a single primary. Quite a story for the political almanacs.
It’s not over for John Edwards though who came in a strong second last night. Just as he was beginning his speech, Kerry took the stage, bumping Edwards off of the major news networks. Now that’s playing hardball. So it looks like this campaign will continue at least until March 2 and I say that this is good news for Kerry. He needs to hone his campaigning skills and Edwards will provide him with healthy competition. Plus, Edwards is not likely to go negative on him. Plus, he’ll remain in the news and if he wins big on March 2, the media will make a bigger deal of it. At this point they’ll take all the free press that they can get.
The only thing I heard about Kucinich recently is that he was trying to get a date on the Tonight Show. I knew that was the only reason he was running for president... to get chicks.
Alexandra Polier, the girl who was falsely alleged of having an affair with Kerry, is on Friendster! The Daily News ran a story copying her profile where she described herself as “Just another hot piece of ass with a philosophy degree...” It appeared to be real though as the profile was created in May, 2003. I logged on this morning and found out that I am connected to her with only three degrees of separation! Of course, by this morning she took down all of the details in her profile and all that remains are the basic “name, age, occupation” stats.
Last night on “24”, Nina Myers got whacked! Gangland style. Although I wish it were Kim who got whacked instead, Nina’s execution was highly satisfying.
Jack : “You don’t have any more information, do you Nina?”
Nina : (whimpering) “Yes, I do”
Jack : “No you don’t.”