Tomorrow, Ralph Nader is going on "Meet the Press" and will announce that he is running for president again. To which I say to him, "You motherf---ing son of a b---h!" There, I feel better now. Actually no I don't. Nader's narcissism astounds me. Is he in the side pocket of the G.O.P. or something? So many Democrats and liberals are begging him not to run, hell even the Green Party won't have him on their ticket! Without Nader in the 2000 race, we win Florida, we win New Hampshire, we win several other states that would have put Gore in the White House. All we can hope is that those who voted for Nader four years ago refuse to do so again and that he becomes a fringe candidate with zero appeal.
Speaking of fringe candidates how about that Lyndon LaRouche? If you're asking "Who?", I don't blame you. He's basically a nutjob who's been running in the Democratic Primaries. Thankfully he was not invited to any of the debates and has received no mainstream attention in the press. The only attention he did get is when one of his supporters began heckling Howard Dean at a rally several weeks ago. He had to be subdued by many of the attendees, including Al Franken. Which reminds me, I highly recommend Franken's book "Why Not Me?" - a comedic look at what would happen if Franken ran for president and won.
Did you hear the latest from Bush's budget office? They want to consider fast food jobs at places like McDonalds, manufacturing jobs in order to inflate the U.S.'s job gains statistics. That's called cooking the books - supersized!
Cathy, the comic strip character, got engaged this week to her long-time boyfriend Irving. Immediately after that, Marcie and Peppermint Patty visited the San Francisco marriage licence office. Ba-dum-dum.