W on "Meet the Press" this morning : "Saddam was a danger... Dangerous man... Could have made dangerous nukes... Had to elimate this danger." I think Jon Stewart said it best the other day, mocking how the administration keeps repeating the word "danger", by exasperating... "Could you say that a few more times? I'm not retarded yet!"
But the best part was Bush's insistence that there was no way that an Islamic regime would come to power in Iraq. How can be so sure? He was assured so by the Iraqi Governing Council's Adnan Pachaci. He of the Iraqi TV series "Pajoanie Loves Pachaci." OK, that was another joke I borrowed from Jon Stewart.
Last night John Kerry won two more caucuses in Michigan and Washington. It's looking as if Edwards and Clark might flame out this Tuesday and Dean might call it quits the next week. Then when I go to the polls in New York on March 2 I'll have a choice of Kerry or Al Sharpton. Oh wait, there's always Dennis Kucinich. Can't forget about Kucinich.
Saw two very good movies yesterday : "American Splendor" and "Capturing the Friedmans". Thanks to Netflix for providing me with home delivery service. If only there wasn't such a long wait for "Lost in Translation" and "Spellbound."
It's too damn cold out. My winter hibernation continues...