Thursday, February 19, 2004

WrestleMania XX has crept up upon us. It is only 24 days away and I will be there with the ol’ nVo crew. Briar, if you’re reading this, yes you’re travel plans for that weekend are fine with me. In the spirit of merging wrestling with politics, I am providing a link to an article I wrote in 2000, likening the Florida recount mess with a pro wrestling tournament. Check it out!

Time for Survivor predictions. I think Susan is toast. Last week, Big Tom called her “a hag from hell.” She then went on to distance herself from the rest of the Chapera tribe. If they lose the challenge, she won’t have any allies to protect her. If Saboga loses, Ethan’s status as a past winner might do him in. The Mogo Mogo tribe is harder to call. They lost a member last week without voting so it’s unclear who is alligned with who. But then again, I don’t think they’ll lose the challenge.

Stay tuned to this blog in the upcoming days when I make my predictions on the 2004 baseball season!