How great are these testimonies before the 9/11 commission? OK, they’re not “great”, but they do make for interesting TV. Albright, Cohen, Powell, Rumsfeld, Tenet have all gone and now the heat is on Condi Rice to testify. Richard Clarke socked it to the Bush administration yesterday by apologizing to the victims families for the government’s failures. The Bushies are furious, especially after one woman who lost her son praised Clarke for being “brave enough to talk openly about the truth.” John Kerry needs to send Clarke a thank-you card for putting Team Bush on the defensive and distracting their efforts to negatively portray Kerry.
A 16-year old Palestinian teen was apprehended by Israeli forces before he could execute a suicide bombing. The kid later admitted that he was paid off with $22 for his family and the promise of 72 virgins in the afterlife. So sad. Besides, the kid wouldn’t know what to do with 72 virgins.