Yesterday at work, an Orthodox Jewish employee entered the office of an Irish employee. After a brief meeting, the Orthodox Jewish employee left and accidentally left behind a plastic bag. A half hour later, the Irish employee first noticed the bag and said, “Ooh. What’s this? Did someone leave me a present? What could it be?” He then opened the bag and examined the object. “Hmm. Not quite sure what this is. It looks like an ammunition belt.” He then walked out of this office to show his staff his new ammunition belt. After a long laughing fit, we informed him that he was holding tiffilin, a ritual prayer accessory used by Orthodox Jews. The tiffilin was soon returned to its rightful owner.
It’s Super Tuesday, which means that after months of reading and watching news coverage about other states primaries, I get to vote in one myself! After work, I’m heading to P.S. 206 – the same building where I attended Pre-Kindergarten through the 5th grade, and am going to cast my vote. If Kerry sweeps, as is expected, Edwards will likely drop out tonight. So today is probably the final day of the primary campaign. Sniff sniff, what will we talk about for the next few months?