Chemistry. I’ve always hated it in school. Definitely my worst subject. So once I fulfilled my requirements, I did not take any additional courses in it. Now, years later, chemistry has again come back to haunt me in the dating world. There’s nothing more frustrating than going out with someone, thinking it went well, and then being told that they don’t want to pursue anything because they “didn’t feel any chemistry.” Grr. That’s one of the perils of online dating sites like JDate. If two people meet in the real world, then there’s a better chance of establishing mutual sparks before setting up a date. But even if two people establish a good rapport online and on the phone, there’s no guarantees until they first meet in person. Although it can be frustrating, I’m doing my best to stay optimistic and to keep trying!
I guess it pays to watch a TV program before offering a prediction on it. “Survivor” addict that I am, I correctly forecasted Kathy’s departure. But having never watched “The Apprentice”, I chose the wrong guy. Turns out that Bill won, not Kwame. My bad.