Today is April Fools Day. That means that I don’t trust the veracity of anything that anyone may say to me today. That includes you!
Last night I had a good time hanging out with Sarah, as well as her cute dog Zoey! We saw “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” at the AMC theater on 42nd Street. I thought the movie was very well done. Jim Carrey proves that he’s a very effective actor when acting in serious, dramatic roles. This has to rank up there with “The Truman Show” as one of his best performances. I also enjoyed how Charlie Kaufman constructed the screenplay and the visual effects were unique as we witnessed the erasure of Carrey’s memory. There’s a subplot with Kristin Dunst’s character that I could have done without but the central drama between Carrey and Kate Winslet is what pulls the film along. I highly recommend this movie!
The Washington Post is reporting that on 9/11/01, Condoleezza Rice was originally scheduled to give a speech on the state of our national security. It was to have focused on long-range missile defenses and would not have mentioned Al Qaeda, Bin Laden or Islamic-extremist terrorism at all. I think this effectively proves that, prior to 9/11, terrorism was not the slightest priority for this administration.
Overheard on public transportation this morning :
Girl : “What are you reading?”
Boy : “The Autobiography of Malcolm X.”
Girl : “You’re reading that on your own?”
Boy : “Yeah. What you think I’m retarded?”
Girl : “No. I’ve just think its great that a guy is reading without being forced to. I’ve never seen that before”
Boy : “Nah, this is great stuff. Everyone should read this.”
That exchange put a smile on my face. Even though I’m not the biggest fan of Malcolm X, I’m glad to see that reading isn’t entirely forgotten among urban youths.