Wednesday, May 05, 2004

The following was posted today by The Anonymous Blogette. It's a great piece and I have decided to reprint it in its entirety.


1. I have the right to do something on my own without being subject to A) incredulity and B) pity. If I say I did something alone, do not look at me as if to say, "Awww, you didn't have anyone to do it with?" Maybe it was my choice. Maybe it was easier than dragging someone else along who was not as into the activity. If I stop at my favorite restaurant to eat alone right after work, I may have not wanted to base my schedule on someone else's on that particular eve.

2. I have the right to give, as an answer for why I can't meet up with you, that I'm busy and not have to justify it. Just because I'm single doesn't mean each evening is free. If I were married, you wouldn't be holding me responsible for having to turn down some of your invites. You'd assume I have a life. Well, I am single, and I want to do things with you, but I *still* have a life. Just because I don't have to change diapers today doesn't mean there aren't things I need to get done. Don't quiz me on what I am doing if I turn you down. It's nothing personal. I may have planned some alone time. Please keep asking, as I would do the same with you.

3. I have the right to, on the one hand, value my alone time, and on the other hand, still want to seek out someone to share my life with, without being called a hypocrite or judged on it. I can be happy alone, but I might be happier with someone, IF it was the right person. These are not warring impulses. How hard is that to understand?

4. I have the right to expect that you will be looking out for someone for me to date. Yes, I do...Listen up: Are you a true friend? Well, the best way for people to meet is through friends. If you are a true friend, rather than doing #1 and #2 above, you will, upon meeting someone who is single and whom I might like, find out more about them and pass the info to me or see if they might like to meet me. It might be the nicest thing you can do for me.

I am trying to do this on my own as much as I can, but could use extra pairs of eyes. Dating services are awkward. Meeting appropriate people and getting to know them is HARD. Just look at the blogs of my brothers and sisters in arms.

5. I have the right to complain about dating. If you haven't been out there and experienced it in a while, don't criticize me. Instead, re-read #4. And if I find someone, I won't be complaining about dating anymore.