The front page of today’s Daily News asks “Would you pay $1,000 for an omelet?” My answer is... no, I would not even pay $1 for an omelet. I do not like omelets. I do not like green eggs and ham either. But apparently, Le Parker Meridian Hotel on W. 57th Street is charging a grand for an omelet that consists of eggs, lobster and lots and lots of caviar. It was also reported that noone has ordered it yet.
Hilarious stuff on “Meet the Press”. Colin Powell was being interviewed by Tim Russert via satellite from Jordan. When Russert asked a hard-hitting question about using false information to justify war, Powell’s staffers moved the camera off of him and pointed it toward some palm trees. His deputy press secretary told Powell that the interview was over but Powell yelled at them to put the camera back on him so he could answer the question. Powell later called Russert to apologize.
Great Mets game yesterday. After being shut out by Roger Clemens for 7 innings, the Mets got even with the Houston bullpen in the 9th as Mike Piazza hit the game-tying homer. For Piazza its an indirect form of revenge against Clemens. Who will ever forget the beaning he took in the head during the 2000 season? Then in extra innings, Jason Phillips hit the game-winning home run.
“The Sopranos” was certainly surreal last night. Much of the episode was an enactment of Tony’s dream, breaking all rules of time and space and bringing back many of the show’s former cast members who had been whacked in previous episodes. The dream reflected much of Tony’s inner torments and anxieties and foreshadowed the troubles he is soon going to face. Steve Buscemi’s character (Tony’s cousin) murdered a member of a rival mob family and now Tony fears that his family is at risk for retaliation. The last two episodes of the season should be great!