The website I alluded to the other day is coming along nicely. Stay tuned to this blog for the grand announcement of its domain name. It will herald a new era in the Internet!
My apologies to Jay Bartow. Upon arriving home last night, I switched off my cell phone. It’s a habit since I usually use the cell during the day and then my home phone at night. Besides, my cell doesn’t get good reception in my apartment. Anyway, I later turned on the cell to find a voicemail message from Jay yelling “I’m driving through Brooklyn and am completely lost! Help me find a way out of here!” Oops. Sorry I didn’t get your message when you needed it, Jay. Hope you found your way out sooner or later.
Hilarious sketch on SNL last weekend! It featured Rachel Draitch as “Debbie Downer”, a woman who always knows how to ruin a good mood. While everyone else is having a good time she adds comments about diseases, natural disasters, terrorism and how she can’t have children. It was supposed to have been played completely deadpan but the entire SNL cast including Lindsey Lohan kept cracking up and breaking character throughout the entire sketch and that made it even funnier. Sure to become an SNL classic.
When 9-11 happened, I figured that it would end Hollywood’s habit of making disaster movies. Surely, after witnessing the actual collapse of the Twin Towers, who could stomach such similar fictional scenarios? Well it’s been two and a half years since 9-11 and disaster movies are back. Case in point, “10.5”, a miniseries aired for the past two nights on NBC. Yes, the acting was terrible and ridiculously melodramatic but noone watches disaster movies for the acting. We just want to see shit get destroyed. Well “10.5” gave us the destruction of the Seattle Space Needle, the Golden Gate Bridge, and the entire coastline of Southern California. Soon Hollywood will give us “The Day After Tomorrow”, where the entire world goes to hell! So soon after 9-11, is this in the best taste? I guess the ratings and box office will tell.