Yesterday was busy. Went to not one but two birthday parties. Go social life!
One of the parties was in the afternoon and the other was late at night so I had some time to kill in between. So I went to the McDonalds on 42nd Street and ordered a Number 3 Meal - SuperSized! After gorging myself (and only being able to finish half the fries and soda), I then went to the AMC 25 theater and saw the film "Super Size Me." It was awesome! As I sat in the theater suffering from the effects of my own Mickey Ds binge, I watched Morgan Spurlock as he only ate McDonalds three times a day for thirty straight days. As a result he gained 25 pounds, his cholesterol shot up, he suffered liver damage, had problems performing sexually, and suffered through bouts of depression. But it sure tasted good! Actually, only part of the movie dealt with his experiment. The rest dealt with the American obesity epidemic in general. It's a great film and a good companion piece to the book "Fast Food Nation." Oh and on my way walking from the theater to the 2nd party, I passed three McDonald's. They really have taken over Manhattan.
And speaking of documentaries, Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" won the Cannes Palmes D'Orr Prize last night as the best film. Will definetely see that one as soon as it comes out!