In honor of Ronald Reagan’s funeral, today is a national day of mourning. Federal offices are...closed. State offices are...closed. City offices Sigh. So while Mayor Bloomberg goes to Washington to attend the funeral, the rest of us remain behind to do the work of the city. No worries, I have my VCR set to tape the show. (Was I just insensitive to have called the funeral a “show”? Yeah, probably. But there’s so much pomp and ceremony, it’s hard not to be wowed by it all.)
On top of that, Ray Charles died yesterday. My favorite Ray Charles song has got to be “Night Time is the Right Time.” It was performed on “The Cosby Show” by the Huxtable family as they lip-synched it to Cliff’s parents on their anniversary. The best part is when Rudy belted “BAAABBBYYY!!!!!” I can watch that one in reruns over and over again and never fail to crack up.