It’s too damn hot out. Yesterday we had the ribbon cutting for the new playground at Brower Park. The event was a success but was it ever hot. And today is no different. At 7:30 this morning, it was already broiling. Consider me cooked.
The Mets fired their hitting coach yesterday because none of their players could remember how to hit. (But when have the Mets ever hit?) So in the very first game after the firing, the Mets win by scoring 7 runs on 14 hits. I guess it really WAS the hitting coach’s fault after all!
It’s time for Summer Reality TV! Yesterday was the premiere of “The Joe Schmoe Show 2” and tonight is the premiere of “The Simple Life 2.” Is it mindless? Yes. Is it perfect for the summer when mindless rules the day? Absolutely.
I’ve made plans to see “Fahrenheit 911” next Friday night, the first day it opens. That's Michael Moore's new doc and I’m excited to see it. They had the big celebrity screening a few days ago. Although most of the crowd was liberal, Bill O’Reilly also showed up. He left halfway through, which means that it HAS to be good!