For the first time since last December, new photos were released of Saddam Hussein. Finally, the networks have footage of Saddam other than those of his being inspected for lice! Freshly cured of his lice infections, Saddam appeared this morning before an Iraqi court. The big bushy beard is gone, replaced by a thin white beard. Those present reported that he remained defiant, claiming that he was still President of Iraq and that the trial was nothing more than theater. If it is indeed theater then I believe we can call this play “The Execution of the Dictator.” If anyone can come up with some snappier titles, let me know!
Matt Drudge, from The Drudge Report, often takes small rumors and blows them up into major headlines on his website. Therefore, take this news with a grain of salt, but he reported yesterday that a “high level source” believes that John Kerry is very seriously considering naming Hillary Clinton as his running mate. The article can be read here. I doubt this will happen, but if it does I say it would be very good news for Kerry. Yes, Hillary is a polarizing figure but the Democratic base loves her. In 2000, New Yorkers stood on lines that stretched outside of the polling site, around the block, just to vote for her. With the country split 50/50, the election will be determined on turnout. If Hillary gets Democrats into the polls in droves, it can only help Kerry. Those who hate Hillary are probably likely to vote for Bush anyway. Plus, naming Hillary would give Kerry’s campaign a lot more media attention that it otherwise would. That being said, he’ll probably pick someone safer and someone who won’t eclipse him in popularity. The names John Edwards, Richard Gephardt and Tom Vilsack are named as likely candidates. Although each can help deliver crucial states to Kerry, none particularly thrill me. An official announcement is expected on Tuesday.
One of my co-workers is visiting the new Museum of Sex in Manhattan this weekend. She is excited about some Asian exhibit. I told her to let me know if they had any “hands on” exhibits.