Tuesday, July 06, 2004

John Edwards has been selected by John Kerry as his Vice Presidential running mate. Although the choice is not terribly surprising, it may have been the best choice that Kerry could have made. Edwards gained prominence during the primary campaign and most Americans seem to have a positive opinion of him. The worst that can be said about him is that he’s inexperienced. Then again, so was George W. Bush. Looking at Kerry and Edwards together, one is reminded of Abe Lincoln (Kerry) and John F. Kennedy (Edwards). Or at least I’m reminded of them.

The New York Post has lots of egg on its face this morning. Their headline read “Kerry’s Choice : Dem picks Gephardt as VP candidate”, with a big front page photo of Kerry and Gephardt together. Dumbasses. They credited an unnamed source who was either misinformed or had the Post completely played. It wouldn’t surprise me if the Post was deliberately tipped off in the wrong direction just to make them look bad. After all, they never resist an opportunity to bury the Democratic Party in their front page headlines.

Godspeed to Kerry and Edwards!