Blog reader Tex referred me to this website, Election Projection. It analyzes polls from each individual state to determine who would win the Electoral College if the voting were held today. Basically, it all boils down to the swing states of Florida, Ohio, Missouri, Iowa, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire. Whoever wins the majority of those states wins the election.
Over the weekend, the City Council and its speaker released a report slamming the cleanliness of NYC’s beaches, particularly Coney Island. It’s ridiculous. I’m at Coney often and can attest as to how clean it’s kept. Parks crews thoroughly clean the beach each night between 9:30 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. During the day, there are thousands of trash cans on the beach. It reeks of political motives for the speaker of the City Council to release this unscientific and unfounded report. Oh yeah, he’s running against the mayor next year.