Good protest! Sunday's RNC protest organized by "United for Peace and Justice" went just about as well as could be expected. Despite concerns that it would degenerate into rioting similar to Chicago '68, the protestors were well behaved and the police demonstrated discretion. The organizers are estimating that 400,000 people attended and there were only around 200 arrests - none of which were for violent activities. All of the controversy about Central Park's Great Lawn wasn't a factor either. After the march, many of the protestors went to Central Park anyway but they blended in with the sunbathers and joggers. The lawn should survive. I'm sure that many other protests will occur over the next four days and I hope that they remain peaceful as well. It's imperative to get our message across without being portrayed as radicals or extremists. So far so good.
In case you're wondering, no I was not at Sunday's protest myself. Instead I relaxed at home, watching both "Kill Bill - Volume 1" and "Kill Bill - Volume 2." Good movies! I really enjoyed how Tarantino told the story, using flashbacks, animation and black and white photography when appropriate. But I was in the city on Saturday, as indicated by the picture posted below of me showing my disapproval at the MSNBC studio set in Herald Square Park. I looked around for Chris Matthews but the only people around when I was there were producers and techies.
Remember how I posted important quotations on this blog from the major speeches of the Democratic Convention? Well you can forget it if you think I'm going to do the same with the Republicans! Fair and balanced I am not. However, the U.S. Open tennis tournament is starting this week in Queens. Maybe I'll post in-depth match reports instead. Tomorrow night's schedule : Serena Williams and Andre Agassi. I'll take them over Rudy Giuliani and John McCain.