5 days until my birthday!
Oh yeah - who's your softball daddy? Final score of the annual Brooklyn Parks softball game - Management 22, Field Supervisors 8. And yes, I played for Management. My batting results : 2 for 3 with 3 RBIs. Not too bad since I hadn't played softball since Vassar Intramural. My first at-bat was a single that drove in a run. My second at-bat was a single that drove in two runs. And I hit the ball the hardest in my third at-bat but it was caught by an outfielder. Defensively I played most of the game in left field and didn't drop anything. OK so there was the one ball that flew way over my head that wound up being an inside-the-park home run. It happens. A picture of me accepting the trophy is posted below.
Big debate tonight. Kerry better do good or I'll kill him.