7 days until my birthday! And 4 days until my birthday party! If you're in the NYC area on Saturday night (or if you feel like making a commute!), come to the Carriage House on East 59 Street between 2nd & 3rd Avenue, starting at 8:00 P.M.
The following was found on the AP wire...
NEW YORK (AP) -- The folks at Comedy Central were annoyed when Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly kept referring to "The Daily Show" audience as "stoned slackers."
So they did a little research. And guess whose audience is more educated?
Viewers of Jon Stewart's show are more likely to have completed four years of college than people who watch "The O'Reilly Factor," according to Nielsen Media Research.
Ha! Trivia tonight. Brooklyn parks softball game tomorrow. Now where did I put my baseball glove???