9 days until my birthday!
It's not always easy to come up with topics that are "blog appropriate." Two of the things I feel most compelled to write about, I shouldn't and therefore won't. One is my current dating situation but I'm far too discreet to discuss things like that it a public forum. The other is stuff happening at work... which also would not be wise to discuss in a public forum. So it's on to other more innocuous observations...
And what is more innocuous than religion?!? The once a year ritual of going to temple on the High Holydays is over and to that I say...whew! As Larry David said, "Temple, as you know, can be quite grueling." That it is. Stand up. Sit down. Stand up. Sit down. Are we praying or doing exercises? And those songs in Hebrew really stick in your head. 24 hours later and I'm still humming some tune that I have no idea what it means. Although I'm not religious at all, going up to stand on the beamer in front of the Torah is a pretty cool experience. At the temple I attend, all of the rows take turns going up to the beamer during the concluding service of Yom Kippur. The idea is that we pray for forgiveness of our sins and ask God to inscribe our names in the Book of Life. I hope it worked!
But seriously, my heart does go out to all of the Floridians who have been devastated by recent hurricanes. Yet another one, Jeanne, wrecked havoc today. What drives me crazy is watching the network news channels send their correspondants outdoors in the worst conditions to report their story. Last night, a CNN correspondant was knocked off his feet by 100 mph winds and he landed flat on his back...all on camera. Is it really necessary to needlessly punish these people? It's windy out - we get it!
Today I saw "The Forgotten" with Roslyn. A brief review of the film will come in tomorrow's blog entry!