Good job, John Kerry! I won't be killing him... yet. Maybe I'm partisan but I really think that Kerry was the clear cut winner of last night's debate. He remained on the offense while Bush was defensive. Not only did Kerry speak clearer with a better factual grasp of the issues, he looked more comfortable and at ease. Most telling was the split screen shots of the candidates while they weren't speaking. Kerry (being taller) filled up the screen and constantly jotted notes and nodded his head. Bush looked dwarfed by the podium and made lots of odd facial expressions. It seemed as if Bush didn't want to be there. Flicking the channels, most pundits and early polls seem to be giving a clear edge to Kerry. Even the FOX News roundtable of pundits was giving Kerry the edge. Now we just have to see if it improves his standing as the campaign progresses in its final month. At the very least, it's a good start as he heads into the next two debates : a town hall and a domestic policy debate.
Oh yeah... 4 days until my birthday... and tomorrow night is the party! Saturday night - Carriage House - E 59 St bet 2 & 3 Ave - 8 pm - be there!