Last night was my night at Trivia! Playing with Sydney, Daryl and Adam, we came up with the team name "Weekend at Yasser’s." It was a reference to the film "Weekend at Bernie’s" and how the corpse was paraded around as if he were still alive, similar to the current situation with Mr. Arafat. The game began and after the first half we were in 7th place out of 12 teams. But then the visual round was identifying contestants from past "Survivor" shows. I rocked this category, getting 10 out of 10 and shooting us into a tie for first place. A $20 bar tab and a WKTU t-shirt were my winnings. Special thanks to a certain Anonymous Blogger and a certain Affable Asian Fellow for coming up with questions that I knew the answers to!
In the "We take whatever good news we can get" Department, I’m happy to say that John Ashcroft will no longer be the Attorney General. Apparently, he wanted to stay but the White House said "No." See ya, sucka. Your legacy will be the erosion of civil liberties and having lost a Senate race to a dead man.
It looks like I might be going away for Christmas weekend. My parents, brother and I will likely go to the Nevele Resort in Ellensville, NY. The family used to go up there a lot during the ‘80s but I haven’t been there in a long long time. It should be interesting to see how the place has changed.