In a physical sense, this has been a very uncomfortable week. I strained a groin muscle, not by doing anything in particular – it just happened. The good news is that it’s feeling a bit better after some heat compressions. Hopefully I’ll be able to ride out the pain soon. If not, it’s off to the doctor to make sure it isn’t anything more serious. This also means that I’m going to stay local this weekend and not travel anywhere or do anything too strenuous.
Another good night of TV last night. On "Survivor", Julie was voted out meaning the Final 4 is Chris (the last remaining male), Twila (the uneducated highway worker), Scout (the 59-year old lesbian) and Eliza (the 21-year old pre-law student). The finale is Sunday night. Barring an immunity win, Eliza will go first. Then if Chris wins immunity, he’ll vote off Scout – making the final 2 Chris and Twila which Chris will win. If Twila wins immunity, she’ll vote off Chris – making the final 2 Scout and Twila which Scout will win. If Scout wins immunity, she’ll also vote out Chris – making the final 2 Scout and Twila which Scout will also win. So in other words, the Scout-Twila alliance is tight to the point where Chris and Eliza will need to win immunity to break it up. And the other certainty is that Twila won’t be able to win a jury vote. She’s universally despised.
Then on "The Apprentice", it’s down to the final two – Kelly and Jen. Kelly seems to be the superior candidate but you never know what Trump is thinking. Jen’s compensated for her faults in the projects with her superb arguing ability in the boardroom. And on "The O.C.", the soap opera continues. Turns out Caleb’s illegitimate daughter is the same girl who just happens to be dating Ryan! If you’ve never watched the show, you’d have no idea what I’m talking about. But if you do watch the show, you can understand why I yelled out "Holy Shit!" upon that revelation.