BREAKING NEWS – XM and Sirius Satellite Radio are considering a merge. It’s being reported on the wires that both companies are already in the process of meeting to weigh any potential antitrust concerns. It’s unlikely the FCC will approve it, especially since they nixed the proposed merger between DirecTV and DISH Network, but you never know. Stay tuned for more on these developments.
Did they say it would take 5 years to fix the C-train? Check that. Now they’re saying they can do it in nine months. Funny what can be accomplished when the MTA President’s head is being called for.
Last night’s episode of "The Amazing Race" was sad because it was filmed in Sri Lanka, mere weeks before the tsunami tragedy. I couldn’t help but contrast the happy scenic shots of Sri Lankan life depicted in the program with the horrible reality of what happened to it. I also couldn’t help but wonder how many of the people shown in the program are no longer with us. At least CBS framed the program with statements of condolences and appeals for charitable contributions.