A trivia recap can be found on most of the other blogs but, in short, my team came in second place out of around 14 teams, losing out by a mere half-point. My biggest contribution was the Top 10 category where I was able to identify the highest grossing films of 2004. I always knew that my knack for useless pop culture facts and figures would come in handy. Word of my exploits is spreading as another team tried to lure me away at the beginning of the game. From this point on, I’m going to the highest bidder.
Also yesterday Mayor Bloomberg gave his annual State of the City address in the Bronx. I read the text of the speech online and thought it was an effective step for him in launching his reelection bid. He did a good job highlighting his successes. Will they resonate with the voters? Will another candidate mount a convincing rationale against his reelection? We have all of 2005 to find that out.
The speech brought back some memories I have of Bloomberg’s 2003 State of the City address which he held in Brooklyn. I was called on to assist with the logistical organizing of the event and it was a great opportunity to schmooze with some VIPs. Among the people I got to chat with that day were City Councilman James Davis (a few months before his assassination) and the High Priest of the Greek Orthodox Church. That was pretty cool.