Special thanks to "Bob" for hosting a cool Super Bowl party. I'm very jealous of his 60 inches. 60-inch TV that is. The Patriots won the game and Paul McCartney got through his halftime performance without any wardrobe malfunctions. Although I wondered when he took off his sport jacket halfway through his set. Much Dominos, snacks, desserts, wine and beer were consumed. My contribution to the party (Wendy will be pleased to know) was a bunch of Coronas.
And now that football season is (finally) over, we can start the countdown to baseball season! It won't be long before pitchers and catchers report to spring training. Although now more steroid allegations are coming out. Specifically, Jose Canseco alleges in his new book that he, Mark McGwire and Jason Giambi went into bathroom stalls and injected each other in the behinds with illegal steroids. Isn't that a lovely image? Plus Canseco names a whole bunch of other players too and speculates that then-Texas Ranger owner George W. Bush may have known about it. So after Canseco dishes his gossip, what is his message? That steroids are wrong and he's sorry? Far from it! On the contrary, he argues that EVERYONE should use steroids. What a moron.
Coming tomorrow - my Top 10 Episodes of Season 4 of The Simpsons.