First of all, I want to congratulate Jay Bartow and Lisa Annis on their engagement! Couldn't have happened to two nicer people. Lisa I knew from the dorms at Vassar - she lived next door to me. Jay I knew from our shared interests in politics, baseball, pro wrestling and Jewish stuff. We were the co-founders of the nVo. Although Jay and Lisa both knew each other at Vassar they didn't start dating until they reunited at their 5-year reunion. Best of luck to both of them!
I love reverse-stalking on Sitemeter. The search words that brought people here are always amusing. Some recent ones include "andy roddick, never change bracelets", "burns and smithers run the plant themselves", "spin to win for funny bagels", "david nalbandian jewish tennis", and "glavine no teeth photos." And then there’s the people who google a combination of my name and the word blog. Come on people, don’t be anonymous – leave a comment!
The snow wasn’t nearly as bad as they were predicting. It looks so pretty on the trees. Not so pretty on the ground though.