Friday : Awesome day at work. It was Arbor Day and we had our annual tree planting ceremony. This years involved a class of pre-schoolers who wrote us letters asking us to plant a tree to go alongside a forgotten World War I memorial plaque. So we restored the plaque and planted a new tree beside it. We gave the kids Arbor Day t-shirts that were a bit too large for them so they came down to their ankles. So cute!
Saturday : Went to Astoria to hang with Ben, Tracey and Tess. Had dinner at Zenon - an amazing Greek restaurant. We ordered a smorgasboard of food that they kept bringing to the table. Then it was back to Ben's house for a party for one of his housemates.
Today I enjoyed sleeping in, reading the paper and relaxing. I did receive some sad news over the weekend though. A guy my age that I know passed away. We grew up in the same neighborhood, went to pre-school together, saw each other at synagogue each year and I attended his Bar Mitzvah and wedding. Although we weren't close friends or anything, his death is a shock and I'm still not sure what caused it. I may never know. But I'm going to his funeral tomorrow morning and feel terrible for his family.
Have a great week everyone!