Happy Birthday to Sarah and Eric! Had a great time celebrating at their respective parties this weekend.
You know you've made it big as a blogger when you get flamed by random strangers. Case in point - I checked my Sitemeter statistics and found an unusual number of hits from The Guardian website in the United Kingdom. Turns out that someone found my blog and linked to it on a message board, saying that it was 'pathetic.' Someone else then characterized it as a 'boring episode of Seinfeld.' That characterization actually made me laugh. Others flamed me for being into Star Wars, the Mets, my old crush on Katie Holmes and my interest in trivia. (They appear to be unaware that the trivia craze started in the UK) I'm not upset or anything - far from it. I find it highly amusing. So keep on visiting my site guys and flame me if you wish. Unless you actually find anything better to do with your time.