Well done, Mr. Lucas, well done. I was very satisfied with "Star Wars : Episode III." This could have been the entire prequel. Who needed the first two episodes? All they were was backstory for this movie and if you want to see the setup for the classic trilogy, it ALL goes down in this movie.
Things I enjoyed about the film... (I’d say SPOILER ALERT but I think everyone pretty much knows what’s going to happen.)
- The opening action segment. Not only was it visually dazzling but Obi Wan and Anakin actually looked like they were having fun. And the bits with R2D2 were hilarious.
- Christopher Lee got the sendoff deprived to him in "The Lord of the Rings." I don’t understand why Peter Jackson left the scenes showing his fate on the cutting room floor. At least Lucas gives him a satisfying departure.
- Ian McDiarmid as Chancellor / Emperor Palpatine is the man. Best actor in the whole prequel trilogy and this was his movie to shine. "Execute Order 66!"
- Cool battles ranging from Anakin vs Dooku, to Obi Wan vs Grevious, to Mace Windu vs Palpatine, to Yoda vs Palpatine and finally Anakin vs Obi Wan.
- Jar Jar is only seen briefly in two scenes and he has NO dialogue!
There are criticisms of course but none of which should cause irreperable harm to the film, like they did the first two. For instance, Anakin’s ultimate descent into darkness could have been illustrated better by Hayden Christensen. And the dialogue between him and Natalie Portman was literally laughable. But what can ya do.
Can’t wait till the DVD release.