More apartment improvements. A floor rug that I ordered for my bedroom finally arrived. It's blue and nicely matches my mini-blinds and bedspread. Then I bought a 6-foot folding table that I can use for parties and anything else that may come up that would require a table. I also bought a TV stand for the bedroom - which means that I can use the other piece of furniture that used to hold my TV as a night-table. No more keeping my clock-radio on the floor. And due to the heat, last night was the first night that I used my air conditioning. So things continue to come together.
I watched the Tony Awards last night but without enthusiasm. Instead, I focused my attention on assembling the TV stand. Still, I heard what was going on and can't say that I was surprised with any of the winners. I actually haven't seen any of this years shows so will hopefully catch up this summer.
But the worst part of the weekend was on Saturday morning when I slipped and fell down HARD on my tailbone. Ouch. It didn't seem to leave any visible bruise but I can still feel it when I walk. That didn't stop me though from going into Manhattan on Saturday night for a date and for a friend's "Twenty-Tenth" birthday party. Let me tell you, when the weather is as nice as it's been, it's a pleasure to admire the fine looking women and their summer ensembles that they are wearing.