I attended Trivia last night for the first time in several weeks and my team, "Judge Reinhold for Supreme Court", came in third place. But the highlight was my thinking of the funniest answer of the night. Caren asked a question about a teenager in Ottawa who was arrested for driving about 100 mph. He told the police that he was driving so fast because he was looking for something and the question was "What was he looking for?" My team didn't know the correct answer (which was a bathroom) so we were guessing lots of things. Then I said it.
A White Castle.
We put it down as our answer and when Caren read it out, the entire Baggot Inn cracked up. Daryl then drew a depiction of me speeding my way to a White Castle.
To reward my funny answer, Caren gave my team a pair of flip-flops and a mint. Except the mint looked strangly like a blunt. Which lead Daryl to draw this...
A fun time as usual at the Baggot Inn.