Sorry for the lack of blog updates in the last few days. I know that many of you have been missing reading my posts (hi, mom and dad!) I'd say that it's the lazy, hazy days of summer except things have been anything but lazy at work. Four ribbon-cutting ceremonies in two weeks with one coming up tonight.
But it's not all work all the time. On Sunday I went with a friend to the Museum of Natural History to see the new dinosaur exhibit. Every ten years or so, they announce that everything that was previously thought about dinosaurs is wrong and they put new theories forward. For example, dinosaurs are now descended from birds, T-Rexs ran slowly with their heads and backs parallel to the ground, and Stegasouruses used their plates not for defense but to attract mates. I'm sure that when they logged onto DDate that their profiles were superficially judged on the appearance of their plates.