Monday, August 08, 2005

What did I do this weekend? I went to my 10 Year High School Reunion!

Well, it wasn't exactly an official reunion, in the sense that the school didn't organize it. Instead, all credit goes to Ed, a classmate of ours who lives in Florida. He really wanted to see everyone and took the initiative in putting something together. So he reserved a Manhattan bar and spread the word through e-mail. I was on the fence about whether to go, concerned that the turnout would be very light. But then I figured... what the hell. Lauren (one of the few people from H.S. who I'm still in touch with) and I made a plan on dropping by with the option of ditching if it was lame. Well it wasn't lame! Turnout (while not huge) was still large enough to lend toward an enjoyable time. I reconnected with several people and let's hope that it renews some friendships.

Some of the people who I saw included...

Stacie - who told me that she had been reading this blog for quite sometime! One would say she's been 'lurking' around...

Dan - who is now bald with a goatee! Obviously, in H.S. he was not bald nor did he have said goatee.

Gina - who was the smartest person in our class, went to Harvard and is now lawyering it up. No surprise there!

Shiran - who I didn't recognize until he told me his name at which point I yelled "Holy shit, Shiran!"

Jane - who chastized me throughout the night for rejecting her Friendster request a few months ago.

Arthur - the senior class president who went on to West Point (for a bit)

Ah, high school reunions. Good times.