Hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend. From browsing though the blogosphere, it appears many people took the opportunity to get away from the city and go out of town. Caren was in Utah, Sarah was in San Francisco, The Anonymous Blogger was in Ohio... it's a good thing none of you were down in New Orleans! Although I hear there are great discount rates available for next year's Mardi Gras.
I know, I know, one should not joke about the terrible tragedy in New Orleans. But without laughing, the sadness and devastation can become unbearable. So I was thinking of the song in The Simpsons episode of "A Streetcar Named Marge" that goes like this : "New Orleans! Home of pirates, drunks and whores, New Orleans! Tacky overpriced souvenir stores. If you want to go to hell, you should make that trip to the Sodom and Gomorrah on the Mississipp, New Orleans!" That episode aired back in 1993 and I wonder if it will be pulled from syndication, much like the episode that aired in 1997 featuring the World Trade Center was since pulled from syndication.
But all joking aside, shame shame shame on the government for the inadequate response to the storm! And to show I'm nonpartisan, I blame all branches for poor planning and execution- Bush, Homeland Security, FEMA, the governor, the mayor... all must share the blame. Although rescue and recovery has improved over the weekend, there is no excuse for leaving those people to die for FIVE FULL DAYS! Shame.