Thou shalt not lie on your blog.
Thus learnt a lesson by Fernando Ferrer. For those who may have missed it, Ferrer is in hot water because of a pretty big lie perpetuated on his campaign blog. It said that he was a product of public schools, when in actuality, Ferrer attended private schools. Commence the backpedaling, the denial of responsibility and then the implication that blogs aren't even worth talking about. Yesterday, Ferrer asked why so much attention was being paid to blogs. He said the word 'blog' as if it was diseased and the very mention of it was a waste of his time. Standing right next to him at the time was Howard Dean - the man who helped raise the profiles of blogs in the first place. So to all of you bloggers reading this, don't lie about your educational background!
I also want to talk about last night's premiere of "The Amazing Race." In the past, there were 11 teams of two. This time there are 10 teams of four and each team is a family. Some teams are a husband, wife and their children; another is a man and his three son-in-laws; another is four sisters; etc. Usually they have the teams fly overseas to begin the race but this time, with 40 players as opposed to 22, they are saving money by having the teams complete the first few stages in the United States. I'm proud to say that the race began in Brooklyn, at the park right underneath the Brooklyn Bridge! From there they went to Soho, Washington's Crossing and finally Amish Country. The first team eliminated was a man, wife and their two small boys. Upon learning that they came in last place, the two boys looked absolutely crushed. These reality-competition shows are trying enough for adults but to put little children through the stress of it all? Maybe not such a good idea.