Happy New Year - Jewish style. Or as we in the know like to say, L'Shana Tovah.
It's now the year 5766. I just got back from temple where the tickets were mistakenly printed to say 5765. Temple, as always, is a grueling experience. Tamara hit the nail on the head last month when applying the Five Stages of Grief to the synagogue experience. First there is denial (It can't last that much longer, surely it will be over soon and we can go home to eat lunch). Then there is anger (Why are they still chanting? How many times can they give thanks to God?!?) Then there is bargaining (I'll take a bathroom break and then a quick walk outside. That should speed things up). Then there is depression (Sigh, they'll never get to page 420.) And finally acceptance (Well I only go these two holidays a year)
Tomorrow we do it again.