I first want to wish a very happy wedding anniversary to my parents. 31 years!
I used to spend a lot of time on this blog pointing out the many fallacies of the Bush Administration. I have not done as much of that recently but that's not to say that there aren't any. If anything, the Administration has been fucking up more than ever! Where do I start? Let's start with the Valerie Plame matter. She's the CIA agent whose identity was leaked to the media by Karl Rove (Bush's puppet master) and Scooter Libby (Cheney's evil chief of staff). By the way, leaking the identity of a secret agent? That's a crime. And to do it to politically discredit her husband is as sleazy as it gets. Both Rove and Libby are under investigation by a special prosecutor and there is a strong possibility that both will be indicted. And even though Bush had denied knowing who the leaker was, sources are now revealing that he did indeed know it was Rove. This led NY Senator Chuck Schumer to call on Bush demanding that he come clean. Chuck's letter to W reads, "It seems you may have been angry that White House officials were caught, not that they had compromised national security." Stay tuned on this one!
Then there is the Harriet Miers matter. According to Bush, when searching for a new Supreme Court justice, Miers was the most qualified person he could find. Even though she never served as a judge and previously wrote Bush sweet little notes declaring "You are the best governor ever." Even right-wing Republicans are against her. The day that his own party turns against Bush is the day that his presidency becomes irrelevant. And with record low approval ratings and frustration with his handling of Iraq and Katrina, it's no wonder that politicos are already looking ahead to the 2008 elections.
But first there are the 2006 midterm elections. And if the Democrats can't capitalize on all of these GOP blunders (I haven't even mentioned the arrest of Tom DeLay), and make substantial gains in Congress, then they are in a sad sad state.