Mayor Bloomberg has been reelected. Are you surprised? Well if you are surprised, then you are a fool. It was the most forgone conclusion in recent electoral memory. His 20-point margin of victory exceeds even Rudy Giuliani's 17-point margin of victory in 1997.
But hey, this now clears the way for Anthony Weiner to run in 2009!
Otherwise, yesterday was a good day for the National Democratic Party. With two wins in governors races in New Jersey and Virginia, it sets the stage for the 2006 midterms. Bush even personally campaigned for the Republican candidate in Virginia and his appearance seemed to have hurt him. Look for Republicans to distance themselves from Bush next year.
An excellent source of electoral news and analysis can be found at Larry Sabato's website. Director of the Political Science Department at the University of Virginia, Sabato runs an informative site known as The Crystal Ball.