My building's super just replaced a bad electrical outlet in my living room. This makes me very happy.
On Friday I will be able to plug a brand new TV into that outlet as I bought a new one yesterday. (Technically I will plug the TV into the surge protector which is plugged into the outlet.) It is 27 inches - an upgrade over my 20 incher which will be relocated to the bedroom. (There's probably a dirty joke here but I'm not going there...)
For some reason the computer network at work is so maddingly slow. Sending a routine e-mail has become an ordeal. I find myself cursing at my computer more often than is probably prudent.
David Nalbandian won the Tennis Masters Cup yesterday which has caused a lot of people to find my blog by googling "Is David Nalbandian Jewish?" I don't know, is he? He's from Argentina. Would that make him a Span-yid?