What would Election Day be without your crazy third-party candidates? For those who may not have been aware, this Tuesday is Election Day. I know, it's easy to forget about it as Bloomberg's 30-point lead over Ferrer has put this one to bed. But if neither Bloomberg or Ferrer floats your boat, there are other options on the ballot.
Such as The Rent is Too Damn High Party. Yes, next to Democrat, Republican, Conservative, Independence, etc., there is the Rent is Too Damn High Party. It's candidate is Jimmy McMillan. And if you read his website, you will learn that he believes that rents are too damn high. When asked about other issues, he says that no other issues matter. The only thing he cares about is that the rents are too damn high. Nutjob or not, that's a platform that I'll agree with!
Or you could always cast a write-in vote for Christopher X. Brodeur.