I went to work today. They didn't strike. They might strike though. On Tuesday. Maybe. Or not. Who the hell knows.
This reminds me of the Florida recount in 2000. Who won the election? What do you mean we don't know? I need to know!!! Same deal here. Are the subways going to be running? What do you mean we don't know? I need to know!!!
I really think the TWU made a huge tactical mistake here. If they wanted to garner any level of public sympathy, they should have struck when they said they were going to and while people had geared up for their contingency plans. Now they are asking the public to go through the uncertainty of another midnight negotiating deadline? It sounds like their leadership is confused and spineless - wanting to appear willing to strike but afraid of the penalties that they will incur if they actually do. The fact that many transit employees earn higher salaries and have better benefits and pensions than many of the New Yorkers who ride the trains, also reduces the sympathy factor.
Not that the MTA is blameless either. They are sitting on a $1 billion surplus yet they still cry poverty. And since is a state agency, where is Governor Pataki? Campaigning in New Hampshire. We know that Pataki stopped caring about being New York's governor but really.
Stay tuned.