Gung Hay Fat Choy. That's Happy New Year in Chinese. I learned it in Pre-Kindergarten when we celebrated the Chinese Lunar New Year by making a big dragon costume and walking up and down the halls of the school in it. These days, my celebrating the Chinese New Year usually just consists of eating Chinese food. Which come to think of it is not very different from the rest of the year. But last night while eating Chinese, I opened my fortune cookie and got the funniest fortune ever. It said "The weather is pleasant."
Also over the weekend, I got new running sneakers! They are Asics 1100s. I looked at the 2100s (the newest model) but they did not have any in my size. I am a 10 and a half and for running shoes, they say to go a half size higher. Unfortunately they had 10 and a halfs and 11 and a halfs in the 2100s - no 11s. So I got the 1100s instead which is a slightly older model but they seem to be perfectly suitable.
My review of "The New World" - slooooow and plodding.