Happy Ides of March! It was one year ago on this date that I signed my lease. Fortunately I have a two-year lease so no rent hikes this year!
Dwight Gooden - how sad your life has become. I idolized thee back in the 80s when you were a star pitcher with the Mets. But now you've gone and messed up your probation (again) by taking cocaine. This year, the Mets will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of their 1986 championship and while several events are scheduled featuring all the members of that team, Gooden will be sadly absent. A shame.
MySpace has been getting lots of attention in the media. So I thought I'd make a profile and see what all the fuss was about. Seems like a glorified version of Friendster to me. Still, I got to reconnect with a very good friend of mine from Vassar (Dave!) who I haven't seen in 7 years! Check out The Boondocks comic strip for a funny story line about the grandfather who joins MySpace in the hope of meeting women.