Loving this weather. Took advantage of the unseasonably warm temperatures by going for a run in Prospect Park. Not long after I started running, I noticed a couple of middle aged men running ahead of me at a slow pace. I decided to pace myself by running behind them. That lasted all of two minutes until I decided that they were going too slow and I was going to pass them. So pass them I did and pretty soon I couldn't even see them behind me. I thought, "So long, suckers." Then I instantly felt bad for calling them suckers - even though it was only in my own mind. Halfway around the park, I started feeling winded so it was a good thing that I was carrying a bottle of water. Still, I slowed down considerably to the point that it resembled more of a fast walk. Then I looked behind me and the two middle aged men were back in view. Uh oh. Better pick up the pace! The potential embarrasment of being passed by people who I had previously passed was enough motivation to kick it into gear. I finished my full rotation of the park (3.35 miles) a full minute ahead of them. And my total time was EXACTLY the same as when I ran around the park three weeks ago. Not that I'm very interested in my total time though. I think the lesson learned is to run at a slow, deliberate pace so that I don't get winded. Only after I'm able to do that, should I concern myself with speed and how I'm doing compared to the people around me.
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