Holy shit! He blogged.
I know, I know. It's been a long time. More than a month in fact. Whatever, I've been on a blog vacation. A hiatus, if you will. I know you missed me and I thank you for checking in day after day, only to find the same old wedding pictures from Toronto.
I figured that I had to post something, if only because I am getting mentioned on more blogs these days than my own.
First there is
Sarah. Sarah had a dream the other night that I wrote all sorts of terrible and revealing things on my blog about her sordid past. And that the police were coming to arrest her based on information that they gleaned from my blog. But you know what they say. Dreams are indicators of truth. And Sarah, I can't keep quiet any longer about the counterfeit jeans racket that you are running out of your new apartment. It's time to come clean.
And then there is
Jess. One year ago, Jess and I were almost cast on a reality TV show. It was supposed to be a show where New Yorkers show off their favorite spots in the city to a documentary TV crew for the Discovery Channel. Ultimately we were not cast. Anyway, Jess mentions on her blog that she recently found out that the whole thing was a rouse. Whereas, it really was a TV show for the Discovery Channel, the premise was that they take unsuspecting New Yorkers expecting to show off their favorite spots and thrust them onto a quiz show instead! Which explains why we had to fill out a trivia questionairre during the casting process.
Thanks for the blog cameos, Sarah and Jess. Regular updates to resume on this site shortly.