Sunday, November 12, 2006

Roll call of the recently, not-so-dearly departed...

Tom Delay
Bill Frist
Karl Rove
Jim Talent
George Allen
Rick Santorum
Donald Rumsfeld
Saddam Hussein
Kevin Federline

Nice knowing you guys.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

It is official! The Democrats control the Senate!

happy dance - happy dance - happy dance - happy dance

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I've always said that I developed strong character from two things. Being a Mets fan and being a Democrat. Because both experiences cause you to suffer loss after loss and through dealing with that adversity, you become a stronger person.

But 2006 seems to be an aberration. The Mets had a great year and, although they had a tough loss in the NLCS, their 97 wins and NL East title made the season a huge success. And last night, for the first time in forever, the Democrats had a hugely successful election!

I can only remember two other elections that I enjoyed as much. (Not counting my own personal election wins in junior high, high school and college.) That would be 1992 when Bill Clinton won the presidency for the first time and 1998 when Jesse Ventura was elected governor of Minnesota.

Last night the Dems not only won the House of Representatives... it appears that we won the Senate too! Wow. If I smoked, I'd light a cigar.

So Bush is officially a lame duck and the race for the 2008 presidency is on. Huzzah!