Thursday, May 25, 2006

These are some really great pictures from the infamous race!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Yesterday I went to an orthopedist and I was diagnosed with having inflammed tendons in my left knee. Tendonitis is a good word for it. It is an overuse injury as my body was not equipped to handle the mileage that I did. Apparantly, one cannot go a few weeks without running and then wake up one day and run a 10K. Who knew.

So although the pain is still there (and is going to be there for several weeks), I feel better knowing what the injury is and that it will eventually heal.

One interesting comment from the orthopedist : "You have the build of a sprinter more than that of a distance runner." Interesting.

Anyway - how about dem Mets? Pretty good!

Monday, May 22, 2006

I'm injured.

I'm paying the price for running the 10K on Saturday as my left knee is hurting real bad.

All planned races for the month of June are hearby cancelled.

Sniff sniff...

Saturday, May 20, 2006

I did it.

I ran a 10K. 6.2 miles. A complete loop of Central Park.

How? I don't know. But I did. Final time : 1 hour, 6 minutes, 27 seconds. A 10 minute, 43 second per mile pace.

Since the park's loop is slightly less than 6.2 miles, the course was configured so you begin at the start line, run about .2 of a mile, and then cross what is the finish line before embarking on the rest of the course. Upon arriving at the finish line, right after the race began, I said, "Hey, we're at the finish already!" A woman next to me said, "That was easy."

At the second mile, a Road Runners volunteer was on a megaphone and joked to us back-of-the-packers, "Let's go! There's $10,000 in prize money!" (Only the top three finishers get prize money) I yelled out, "Come on everyone, we still have a chance!" Everyone laughed and started joking about how all we needed to do was pull off two-minute miles.

I also saw Uptown Girl, cheering the runners with her pom poms, near the 4-mile marker, and NYFlyGirl at the conclusion of the race.

All in all, a satisfactory morning!

And now I rest my weary self...

Monday, May 01, 2006

I've been a very bad blogger lately.

Here's the upcoming races that I've registered for...
May 20 - Healthy Kidney 10K
June 4 - NYRR Anniversary Run
June 18 - Father's Day Run
June 22 - Corporate Challenge (not NYRR affiliated)

I should probably find the time to do practice runs sometime in between these races...